
Ecuador: All eyes on Yasuní - Keep the oil in the ground!
The Ecuadorian people voted to protect Yasuní. Ecuador’s Constitutional Court must order the government to end oil production in Block 43.

Tell the EU to stand firm against deforestation!
The EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Supply Chains is an important signal against global deforestation. Please speak out against vested interests trying to undermine it.

Brazil: Keep Deutsche Bahn out of Amazonia!
We call on the German government and the state-owned Deutsche Bahn AG not to participate in the destructive GPM project in the Amazon rainforest.

Palm oil in Brazil: Return stolen community land, end the violence!
Please help protect the Amazon rainforest and forest communities from land grabbing and violence by the palm oil industry.

Brazil: Stop land grabbing and violence for “fair and sustainable” palm oil!
Palm oil from the Brazilian company Agropalma is supposedly organic, fair trade and sustainable, yet many of the plantations are likely on illegally appropriated land.

Brazil: Stop genetically modified eucalyptus trees!
A paper and pulp company wants to plant glyphosate-resistant, genetically modified eucalyptus trees in Brazil. Please speak out against this potentially disastrous plan.

Stop biofuels: Keep food out of fuel tanks!
Despite looming famine and soaring food prices, some countries continue to produce biofuels from grains and edible oils.

Brazil: The Ka'apor people need our support!
The Ka'apor are seeking international support in defending their recognized ancestral rainforest territory, Alto Turiaçu, from loggers, land speculators and prospectors.

Electric vehicles are stealth rainforest killers!
Electric vehicles are stealth rainforest killers: the production of "clean" electric cars takes vast amounts of raw materials that are often mined in rainforest areas.

Protect Amazonia – NO to the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement!
A free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur would incentivize environmental crimes in South America. We need to stop its ratification!

No EU money for GPM rail and port project in Brazil!
Together with our Brazilian partners, we visited the European Commission in Brussels and succeeded in preventing the GPM project from getting funded.

Brazil: Smallholder families successfully defend land against agribusiness giant
Brazilian smallholder families received legal assistance to take on an agribusiness giant and fight for their ancestral land.

Study finds Indigenous Ka’apor are Brazil’s best rainforest defenders
The Indigenous Ka’apor, partners of our organization, are resisting the trend of increasing deforestation in Brazil and are sucessfully defending their forest.

Brazil: Rainforest Rescue petition leads to federal police investigation
Indigenous people in Brazil face harrassment, eviction and even death for defending their forests against loggers, cattle ranchers, agribusiness and mining companies.

Fighting the good fight – with your support
Does our work make a difference? Yes, together with our hard-working partners and the international pressure generated by your signatures, we’re scoring real successes.

Brazil: monkeys can breathe easier
Thanks to an international outcry, Netflix is no longer spreading false information about yellow fever and howler monkeys that prompted the wholesale killing of monkeys.

47,000 km² Amazon rainforest reserve safe!
Facing furious protests, Brazilian President Temer retracted his decree abolishing the protection of a swathe of Amazon rainforest the size of Denmark.

Our successes, thanks to your support!
Does our work make a difference? Absolutely! International awareness has a major impact on the struggles of our partners on the ground.

Brazil: environmentalists stop dam on the Tapajós river
The tenacity of the indigenous Mundurukú and a wave of international support paid off in the end: the Tapajós megadam project has been scrapped.