The charred remains of trees stand out against the night sky lit red by fires

Amazonia is burning!

The Amazon rainforest is burning! The green lungs of our planet are going up in flames. People and animals are suffering from the fires. The disaster is escalating dramatically. We are receiving desperate calls for help.

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The Amazon rainforest is in flames. These are the most devastating forest fires in decades!

The extreme drought of the last few months has dried up the rainforest and many rivers are almost dry. Cattle ranchers and agribusinesses are taking advantage of the situation by setting fire to the vegetation. They use the fires to make room for new cattle pastures and soy monocultures. From the east and south, the front of deforesters and arsonists is pushing deeper and deeper into the Amazon rainforest.

The green lungs of our planet are burning!

The world's largest rainforest is at a dangerous tipping point. If any more area is lost, it will no longer be able to stabilize the climate. With dramatic consequences for all of us. Forest dwellers are suffering from devastating fires and toxic smoke.

We are receiving desperate calls for help from our partners on the ground.

The fires are also threatening our partners, the indigenous Ka'apor people and their territory. The culprits are cattle ranchers who want to expand their grazing lands. The Ka'apor have been abandoned by the state and must fight the flames without outside help.

The good news is that they are prepared and have set up tree nurseries with donations from us, where they are growing trees from jungle seeds. They will later plant them in the burned areas.

We need your support to provide emergency relief.

Please donate now!

Donation receipts We issue receipts for the previous year in February/March. With regard to the deductibility of your donation, please contact your local tax authorities.

Non-profit status Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.) is registered as a non-profit organization in Hamburg, Germany.

Secure data We use encrypted (TSL/SSL) communication to protect your data against unauthorized access.

Canceling recurring donations Recurring donations can be canceled at any time: just email us at

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