Malaysia: rescue protected sun bears from a living hell

At the Tawau Hot Springs in the Malaysian Borneo state of Sabah, two protected sun bears are being kept in tiny cages for the amusement of park visitors. Please tell the state governent of Sabah to take action against this cruelty now!
Call to actionTo: Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Y.B. Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun
“Rescue the Tawau Hot Springs sun bears for rehabilitation and a possible release into the wild without delay.”
Sun bears are a protected species in Sabah and may not be kept as pets, yet the owner of the recreation park has apparently held them in captivity for years. The bears are not provided readily available food and water and can be seen pacing back and forth in their cages due to immense physical and psychological stress.
A short video of the two bears available here.
Please call on the Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister to ensure that the bears are turned over to the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) in Sabah so they may be rehabilitated for possible release back into the wild.
ONLY pressure and support from caring people can ensure that these bears feel the soil of the forest under their paws again!
LetterTo: Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Y.B. Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun
Dear Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun,
Weeks have passed since the plight of two sun bears kept in horrific cages for public amusement at Tawau Hot Springs, Sabah, was made public. Sadly, despite pressure from Malaysian and international animal lovers, both bears remain in their cages.
Both are not provided readily available food and water and can be seen pacing back and forth in their respective cages due to immense stress.
Will you please order both bears to be confiscated and turned over to the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) immediately, where they may be rehabilitated for possible release back into the wild.
Torturing the two sun bears paints a bleak image of wildlife tourism in Sabah and Malaysia in general. Countless animal lovers from around the world have expressed their outrage over this matter.
Kind regards,