Indonesia: Striking a blow against the bird mafia

Head of a green bird with a yellow crown Freed from captivity (© Flight) View of a truck filled with crates Flight was able to rescue more than six thousand birds from this truck (© Flight) Young woman wearing Flight t-shirt and police officer in a warehouse with crates of birds Flight uncovers bird trafficking, veterinarians examine the animals, police arrest the perpetrators (© Flight)

Nov 1, 2024

A single truck carrying 6,514 birds, crammed into 216 crates by bird traffickers, was seized by police at a port in Sumatra. The tireless work of our partner organization, Flight – Protecting Indonesia’s Birds, led to this spectacular bust.

Never before have authorities at the port of Bakauheni, Sumatra, seized so many birds in a single vehicle. Most of the birds are finches and passerines. Their sheer number how widespread bird trafficking still is.

Map detail of Lampung province in Sumatra and Banten province in Java Bakauheni in Lampung province in Sumatra is the main port for bird smugglers (© Flight)

This makes the work of our partner, Flight, all the more important. The organization’s activists have been tracking the hunting and trafficking of birds for years. Flight regularly rescues hundreds of birds and other wildlife such as pangolins and monkeys. The animal rights advocates collaborate with the port veterinary office and the police. The animals are examined, sick and injured birds are treated and nursed back to health at Flight’s rescue station, and healthy animals are released back into the wild in the rainforest.

Flight’s work is making a tangible difference: In Sumatra, small-scale bird trappers and some trafficking rings have thrown in the towel. Traffickers have been arrested and convicted.

The destination of the birds is usually the island of Java, where songbirds have long been a status symbol and many cities have notorious bird markets. Our petition Indonesia: ban the trade in wild birds! with 243,597 signatures called for a ban on these markets. Flight has presented the petition to the authorities in the capital, Jakarta, on several occasions, but has yet to receive a response.

“The most effective solution is to stop bird trapping and smuggling directly in the forests. We do this by being present in many of Indonesia’s forest areas,” said Marison Guciano.


Flight and Rainforest Rescue are at the forefront of the fight against bird trafficking.

Flight has held numerous seminars with police and authorities, and public awareness has grown thanks to the organization’s work. However, the pressure on Sumatra’s birdlife continues and is increasingly affecting unprotected species due to massive demand, both locally and internationally.

“The bird trade has shifted to eastern Indonesia. More and more birds from the Moluccas and Papua are coming to the Philippines by sea via Java and Sulawesi,” Guciano added.

Many other animals from Indonesia’s rainforests continue to be traded internationally, despite biodiversity conferences and the efforts of animal rights and environmental activists.

352,984 people from around the world have spoken: Shut down wildlife markets NOW! Please sign this petition.

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