Demonstration: "We are fed up"

Jan 24, 2012
With a delegation of our own we protested along with 23.000 other people against the despicable agribusiness.
With a delegation of our own we protested along with 23.000 other people against the despicable agribusiness. The demonstration took place on January 21 in Berlin and followed the motto „We are fed up!“ Although it was raining and snowing our group from Rainforest Rescue was clearly pointing out the connection between European agricultural policies and the destruction of the rainforests.
Intensive stock-rearing especially in Germany can ony be realized by dispensing concentrate based on soy. New calculations suggest that just for this supply about 2.6 million hectares in South America will have to be planted exclusively with soy monocultures. The demand for palm oil by the European food industry is another reason for the destruction of thousands of hectares of rainforest in Indonesia. The admixture quotas for agrofuels result in large-scale imports from Africa and South America. Mostly European corporations are producing these agrofuels abroad and generate enormous profits by exploiting nature and banishing local farmers.
We are indeed fed up and believe it was worth protesting against this agrobusiness.