A voice for the bees

May 6, 2015
Rainforest Rescue took its message about the dangers of pesticides for bees straight to the shareholders of BASF, maker of the insecticide Fipronil. We spoke about its role in the decline of bee populations and delivered a petition with 178,000 signatures to the BASF board.
In her speech to the shareholders’ meeting on April 30, Rainforest Rescue activist Lea Horak explained how the BASF pesticide Fipronil – a substance that is currently banned in the EU – is contributing to bee colony collapses. She also delivered our petition calling on the company to abandon its lawsuit against the EU for outlawing several pesticides, including Fipronil, that are known to harm bees.
Outside the venue in Mannheim, Germany, we took the opportunity to distribute information to the shareholders waiting in line for admission. We were joined there by German anti-GMO campaigners, Attac members and critical shareholders.
Our bee petition is staying online for now – we also want to deliver it at the shareholders’ meeting of chemical giant Bayer on the 27th of May. If you haven’t already signed and shared it, please do so now!