Peru: Water Tribunal Calls for Stop to Conga Mining Project
The Latin American Water Tribunal (TLA) in Buenos Aires has called on the Peruvian government to firmly put an end to the Conga mining project. In the opinion of the tribunal, the Peruvian government and Yanacocha, the company responsible for Conga, are violating the human rights to water and a clean environment.

Brazil: President Again Vetoes Forest Code
International protests against Brazil’s forest code have had an impact: For the second time within six months, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff vetoed an amendment of the controversial legislation. The agribusiness lobby has been pressing Brazilian legislators to soften up the law and make more land available for industrial agriculture. Millions of hectares of rainforest are at stake.

Brazil: Belo Monte construction stop
“This is a great victory, the Belo Monte dam is not a done deal. We are very happy and content.”, says Antonia Melo from the union “Rio Xingu Vivo”. A judge suspended construction of the Belo Monte dam citing evidence that the dam was violating the human and minority rights of the indigenous people living near the Xingu river.

Malagasy wood for guitars: Gibson fined
Partial success in the Gibson scandal: Gibson Guitars have agreed to pay a fine of $300,000 as well as another $50,000 to environmental organisations. The ebony which had been seized by government authorities will remain confiscated.

Sulawesi: Village wins against mining company
The people of Betaua defended their forest courageously – now, the district chief withdrew his permission for mining iron ore. Also they won in court: A planned habour will not be built. Our partner organisation JATAM supported the community with all they could – also with your donation.

Ecuador: Justice for Sarayaku
Good news from the Kichwa of the Sarayaku region in Ecuador: After ten years they have won their legal dispute against the government. Their right to self-determination has been confirmed. Rainforest Rescue supported the Kichwa with protest actions and donations.

Peru: Demonstration in Berlin and resignation of government
Within only eight months parts of the Peruvian government resigned for the second time. The reason is once again the ongoing protests against the gold mine in Cajamarca, a region in northern Peru. Just last Friday we handed over 33.000 signatures against the conga project.

Honduras: Farmers win back their land
After a long and costly conflict, two regional courts in Trujillo and Tocoa have now decided that the plantations of the notorious Dinant company have been wrongly built on pieces of land owned by the local farmers of Bajo Aguán. The judges have ordered to vacate the plantations, so the land can be returned to the farmers.

Carribean archipelago spared from oil drilling
White coral reefs or black mineral oil? In the midst of the azure blue ocean surrounding the islands San Andrés, Providencia und Santa Catalina, mineral oil companies were planning to exploit the natural ressources of the archipelago. However, a court now decided in favour of preserving natural beauty

Biofuel: Shell backs out of indigenous territory
Ethanol fuel produced from sugar cane can make life sweeter – but only for those who sell it. The Guarani Indians in contrast had to endure tremendous suffering. Shell is now finally drawing conclusions and has promised not to source from indigenous territory anymore.

Rights of Embera upheld against mining companies
The communities of the indigenous tribe Embera in Colombia rejected a mining project and their wish was confirmed by the constitutional court. Rio Tinto, Sunward and MMC are not allowed to develop the mine on their territory. The presence of mining companies here had led to the militarisation of the area and to human rights abuses.

Tripa: Orangutan forest is spared of palm oil plantation
Thanks to international pressure on the Indonesian government, the concession of the palm oil company PT Kallista Alam has been revoked. The area has once again been declared part of an official nature reserve. Rainforest Rescue collected 45,239 signatures and presented them to Indonesian authorities. But the struggle for the orangutans in Tripa continues

Mega-mining project stopped in Chile
David beat Goliath – and in Chile the indigenous peasant's community Diaguita Los Huascoaltinos has successfully prevented the contamination of their soils and waters by mining corporation Goldcorp. The Supreme Court's decision to stop mining plans strengthens the minority and environmental rights in Chile.

Ray of hope for orangutans – official investigations start in Tripa
It is a case of deliberate and systematic violation of indonesian law: the land clearance through forest fires set by oil palm corporation PT Kallista Alam infringes the billion-dollar-deal with Norway as well as national laws, inflicting damage on one of the last orangutan refuges. Now Indonesia's Environment Ministry is pushing investigations leading to what might become a breakthrough for forest conservation.

Kenya: The Dakatcha Forest is rescued
"Thank you for your support in the campaign. Nature Kenya is so glad to see that all our combined efforts have born fruits.", wrote Serah of the Kenyan environmental organisation Nature Kenya.