Panama: Santa Maria River communities establish protected area
Farmers, environmental activists and scientists in Panama are celebrating a huge success for nature: 3,400 square kilometers of river basin have been protected!

DR Congo officially recognizes the rights of Indigenous people
The Democratic Republic of Congo has recognized the rights of Indigenous people with a new law. It remains to be seen how the law will be put into practice, however.

Environmentalists empower thousands of villagers
Protecting rainforests often happens in small ways. For example, by working to empower local people by educating them about their rights and the dangers of deforestation.

The “Tigers of Pining” reforest the Leuser ecosystem
The residents of the village of Pining are healing the wounds in the Leuser ecosystem. Thousands of seedlings will grow up to restore the rainforest.

Speaking out makes a difference: investors shun TotalEnergies’ oil pipeline
Fossil fuel giant TotalEnergies is having problems finding banks and insurance companies for its planned EACOP oil pipeline project in eastern Africa.

Sarawak: Palm oil project off the table for good
The threat to Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysia from the palm oil industry has finally been averted – a great success for the indigenous peoples living there.

Indonesia: 300 hectares of wetlands protected
With support from Rainforest Rescue, our partners succeeded in having blast fishing and deforestation banned in the Paya-Nie wetlands.

Ecuador: The Sápara people reclaim 251,503 hectares of rainforest
With the support of Rainforest Rescue, the indigenous Sápara people of Ecuador have regained ownership of their rainforest after months of legal battles.

Ecuador: Constitutional Court backs indigenous people in fight against gold mining
Illegal gold mining concessions in the territory of the indigenous A'i Cofán must revoked. The Constitutional Court upheld the complaints of the indigenous people.

A victory for land rights: Penyang village prevails in court
An encouraging precedent: Mr. Hiden from Penyang in Borneo prevailed against a palm oil company. According to the court ruling, the company must return the stolen land.

72,643 signatures delivered to UN over Africa deals with Bolloré
It was a wake-up call for three UN agencies: On Monday, Rainforest Rescue and the Oakland Institute sent them a petition with 72,643 signatures.

Petition with 213,432 signatures delivered to European Commission
The home stretch was breathtaking, with the number of signatures going up dramatically in the closing hours – 213,432 supporters had signed our petition to the EU.

Ivory trade in the EU is (almost) history
The protection of elephants is making headway: the European Commission is finally moving to close loopholes in the trade in ivory within Europe.