News and success stories
Stay in the loop with news of ongoing campaigns and successes in the fight against rainforest destruction.

Tanzania: “Queen of Ivory” arrested
Tanzania struck a major blow against wildlife crime by arresting a Chinese businesswoman reputed to be a kingpin of the ivory business.

Indonesia: conviction of rainforest arsonists upheld
Indonesia’s Supreme Court took a stand against slash and burn by upholding the conviction of PT Kallista Alam, a palm oil company, for setting fires in protected forests.

Protest in Durban: Plantations are not forests
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Durban, South Africa. Their message to the United Nations: stop promoting plantations and finally protect real forests.

INTERPOL rejects arrest of Clare Rewcastle Brown
INTERPOL confirms that it had refused Malaysia’s bid for an arrest warrant for journalist and environmental activist Clare Rewcastle Brown.

Papua New Guinea: governor to protect Woodlark cuscus
The fight against deforestation on Woodlark in Papua New Guinea is gaining traction: the governor of Milne Bay Province is stepping in to stop the destruction.

A voice for the bees
Rainforest Rescue took its message about the dangers of pesticides for bees straight to the shareholders of BASF, maker of the insecticide Fipronil.

Environmentalists standing firm in Areng
For the past two years, activists fought to prevent a hydropower project that would submerge Cambodia's Areng Valley. Prime Minister Hun Sen has now put the dam on hold.

India: protests save tigers from coal mining
India’s Mahan forests are safe at last. According to Greenpeace, plans for a coal mine that would have meant felling 500,000 trees are off the table.

Panama: Ngäbe-Buglé stop dam project
A big victory for Panama’s indigenous Ngäbe-Buglé people: the government has put a stop to work on the Barro Blanco dam that would have flooded their traditional land.

China bans ivory imports for 12 months
China has announced a ban on ivory imports with immediate effect. The ban, which is initially limited to twelve months, will only apply to mainland China.

Ecuadorian activist Javier Ramírez is free
Farmer and activist Javier Ramírez was finally freed after 308 days behind bars for speaking out against the destruction of his homeland for a copper mine. International environmental and human rights organizations demanded his immediate and unconditional release.

Rainforest Rescue: we speak your language
Just a reminder that Rainforest Rescue content and social media are also available in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese and Indonesian.

Subsidi triliunan untuk industri sawit? Tidak – Terima kasih!
Pecinta hutan hujan yang terhormat, Pemerintahan Joko Widodo akan mengalihkan subsidi BBM ke BBN. 17,40 triliun Rupiah akan diterima oleh perusahaan sawit.

International community speaks out against planned Don Sahong Dam on Mekong River
Our petition expresses grave concern over the planned hydropower project and its potential impact on the environment, livelihoods and food security in the Mekong region.