Handover of signatures in the Embassy of Sierra Leone

Jan 30, 2012
On January 26th, 2012, we handed over the collected signatures to diplomats of Sierra Leone.
On January 26th, 2012, we handed over the collected signatures to diplomats of Sierra Leone in Berlin. Since the ambassador was absent we were welcomed by the chief of mission Al-Hassan K. Kondeh and two other highly ranked diplomas, who were impressed by more than 20.000 signatures collected by Rainforest Rescue for the campaign “Sierra Leone: Land grab for palm oil“. In the following conversation we explained the problematic situation of the local farmers in Chiefdom Malen and expressed our concerns about the information our partner organizations in Sierra Leone has passed on to us. Al-Hassan K. Kondeh promised to forward our petition to his government. This will be accelerated since a diplomat will be catching a flight to Free Town this weekend. Before we left, he said: “I am glad that there are people in Europe who care about the well-being of the people in Sierra Leone.“