Thousands of hectares of rainforest in West Papua saved from the palm oil industry
West Papua is revoking the permits of palm oil companies to more than 300,000 hectares of rainforest – a huge win for the rainforest and indigenous forest rights.

DRC: Plans for oil drilling in Salonga dropped
The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has abandoned its plans to allow drilling for oil in Salonga National Park.

Indonesia: Kinipan's rainforest defenders honored
The 2021 Akademi Jakarta award goes to the Laman Kinipan people for their perseverance in defending human rights, nature and culture.

Nigeria: “superhighway” project through the rainforest stopped!
One of the last rainforests in Nigeria will be spared a “superhighway”. Rainforest Rescue and local groups had campaigned against the project since 2016 – with success!