News and success stories
Stay in the loop with news of ongoing campaigns and successes in the fight against rainforest destruction.

Chinese hydropower: extinction for the Tapanuli orangutan?
Indonesia’s Tapanuli orangutan was only “discovered” two years ago, but a Chinese hydroelectric dam project could drive the apes to extinction.

Protests save UNESCO World Heritage forest
Staunch resistance by indigenous communities in Malaysia saved Mulu National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, from destruction by a palm oil company.

“Days of Fire” ravage Amazonia
Fires are ravaging the Amazon rainforest as never before. President Bolsonaro has been emboldening Brazil’s corporate arsonists.

Malaysian federal government will look into land reclamation controversy
We have succeeded in raising the issue of land reclamation and sand mining to the Malaysian national level, thus improving our chances of lobbying for a desirable outcome.

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Hippo “cull” in Zambia canceled!
2,000 hippos in Zambia are safe! Local and international pressure prompted the Zambian government to call off the planned “cull”.

Indonesian police protects oil palms with guns drawn
Indonesian police is “protecting” oil palms with weapons drawn, taking brutal action against locals who want to preserve Batu Gadur forest.

Malaysia: slashing Sarawak’s forests for palm oil
Cutting down timber worth $10 million without a permit? It's not an unusual occurrence in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

UN: extinction crisis endangers us all
The current mass extinction threatens the future of humanity. Unless we take drastic action, one million species could soon vanish.

Palm oil and timber industry driving increased rainforest destruction
The destruction of tropical forests remained at alarming levels in 2018. The development was particularly dramatic in previously untouched rainforests.

Nigeria: paying for a forest “superhighway” for the next 180 years?
€740,000 a month – for the next 180 years? That’s the princely compensation for the company slated to build Nigeria’s “superhighway” to nowhere.

Sabah chief minister renounces deforestation for highways
The chief minister of the Malaysian state of Sabah has called for the preservation of forests by expanding existing roads for the Pan Borneo Highway.

Baby steps toward banning palm oil biofuel in the EU
The EU is the world’s second largest importer of palm oil – and more than half of the tropical oil is added to diesel fuel.

Finally, a cocoa plan – time to act!
We’re a big step closer to chocolate without a guilty conscience – Germany finally wants to act against child labor and deforestation in the cocoa industry.

A sanctuary for orphaned chimpanzees
Orphaned and formerly captive chimpanzees deserve a good life. In Liberia, a small private organization is dedicated to caring for more than 40 such primates.

Human rights award for anti-cement activists
The 2018 Yap Thiam Hien Human Rights Award honors Indonesian activists who are fighting to save their homeland from the cement, sand and palm oil industries.